
My Birth Story- Kylie Rose Bernal

If you don't already know, I have a 4 year old son, Lucas Daniel, he was born via emergency c-section, so this time around I didn't have much of a choice and the plan was a scheduled c-section. The birth was scheduled for Monday, October 27th. 

A couple weeks prior I started getting plenty of contractions, aka Braxton Hicks, something I never experienced with my son. This convinced me that there was no way I was going to make it to my scheduled date. That, and the fact that I was "over" being pregnant already. (Those of you that are moms will understand me) 
I made 2 trips to the hospital, false alarms, of course. By then, anytime I would mention I was getting contractions, my hubby swore I was crying wolf. Until, the morning of Thursday, October 23rd...I woke up with a really strong contraction that immediately convinced me that today was THE day. Still, I waited it out. I had pretty strong contractions all day, but since all I read was that they needed to be in a consistent pattern, I wasn't sure if it was "time". Jorge (the hubby) came home from work around 1pm, and witnessed as these contractions kept coming and they were coming strong...still not consistent but strong.  He looked nervous but at the same time, thought I was exaggerating. Until, I got a contraction so strong it brought tears to my eyes... And P.s. I never cry, so I was obviously in a lot of pain. I told him, "this is not normal, we need to get ready and head to the hospital". As much as one tries to plan for when the moment comes, you're never ready and all the plans you had, never get executed how you thought. 

Lucas was home from school so we had to drop him off at my mother in laws house before heading to the hospital. Thank goodness bags were packed! We were out the door rather quickly and headed to drop off my son. By then my contractions kept getting closer and closer and not to mention, stronger! I was so nervous, never experienced this before (my water broke with Lucas and I was given epidural before I even felt any contractions). My wonderful husband made sure to record the adventure but I'm too embarrassed to share! I never realized how horrible a pregnant woman can look when going through a contraction! Scary!

We get to the hospital, and when I finally get checked, I'm 3 cm dialated and my contractions are 2 mins apart. Ha! Told ya! (That was for the hubby!) 
They admitted me, signed papers, got an IV in, and next thing I know I'm headed to Pre-OP to prep me for surgery. Again, ha! I told ya so! (For the hubby) 

Again, I was so nervous about the Spinal Tap, and the surgery etc... But I said to myself, nothing can be more painful than these contractions! I honestly had the best team. The spinal didn't hurt at all! My anesthesiologist was amazing! (First time around, wasn't so pleasant)


Before I knew it, wahhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhh! The most beautiful sound you can possibly hear when you're on the operating table, the cry of my daughter as she came into this world. My daughter, Kylie Rose, was born at 9:50pm on October 23rd! Weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces and was 19 inches long. She was healthy and perfect! And I share with you the moment we first met. 

Photo credits: Jorge Bernal


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